Monday, September 30, 2013

Clean a touch screen device

  • 1 microfiber cloth (preferably one that has come with the device or one that is recommended for the device, if this is not available you can use a microfiber cloth that comes with glasses or sunglasses, etc.).
  • 1 cotton cloth (any cotton cloth will do).
  • Water (preferably distilled water).
  1. Turn the device off.
  2. Make circular motions on the screen of the device using the microfiber cloth, do this until you have completely cleaned the screen.
  3. If there are still imperfections on the screen of the device, moisten the edge of the cotton cloth with the water and repeat the circular motions from step two (if you are worried about using water on the device, just breathe onto the screen and use the moisture from your breath to clean the device instead of the water).
  4. Now finish by once again repeating step two completely, again (if there is still water, moisture or dampness left on the screen of the device, just let it air dry).
  • Don't over clean the devices screen.
  • Be gentle and patient when cleaning the devices screen.

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